Credit: Sony/ Business Insider Australia
Smartwatches may be the next big thing. Samsung, Apple & Google are claimed to have smartwatches in development.
Most existing smartwatches are essentially Bluetooth connected peripherals of smartphones. At first glance, it's hard to see such a peripheral ever being more than a technophile niche product. However, smartphone screen sizes are increasing. Soon to be available, the mainstream Samsung Galaxy S 4 has a 5 inch screen. Six inches (or even 6.3) is rumoured for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, expected later this year. Big screens are great for visibility, but make a phone heavier & harder to hold or remove from a pocket or bag. Perhaps combined with a headset, a Bluetooth connected smartwatch which allowed checking of SMS, email & calendar could overcome the disadvantages of a large screen smartphone.

Google Glass
Credit: Google/ TechRadar
Another possibility is a smartwatch which incorporates microphone & speaker, reducing the need for a separate headset. It's not a watch as we traditionally think of it, but Google Glass could do all of the above with the added advantage that, worn like a pair of "glasses", it is better positioned than a conventional watch to provide mike & speaker.
Just today, I discovered another use of a smartwatch: detecting a phone ring in a noisy environment. In a not very noisy shopping centre, didn't hear the ring, but felt the vibration of my Pebble smartwatch. Listened for the ring. Still couldn't hear it. Took out the phone & sure enough, it was ringing. Important call too.
Will iCloud allow Apple to produce a smart watch (iWatch?) with capabilities that other manufacturers can't match?
Some existing smartwatches
Also see Evolution of the smartwatch Part 1 & Part 2 / Smartwatch smart watch wrist band Bluetooth link to smartphone phone mobile cell battery charge recharge copy Apple products patent copyright iPhone iPad Android Galaxy rumored rumor rumour MetaWatch Strata Leikr Cookoo Touch Time Sony I'm Apple iWatch analysis: Apple ready to go where Samsung can’t follow /
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