Friday 22 April 2016

How much did the FBI pay to unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone?

Over 1 million dollars apparently. FBI Director James Comey gave some very broad hints at the Aspen Security Forum in London. Apparently the sum is “... more than I will make in the remainder of this job – which is seven years & four months – for sure.”

With Comey’s salary at $183,300 that makes

$183,300 x (7 + 4/12)
= $1,344,200

Comey is reported as saying that the hack was worth it, although rumour has it that the FBI didn’t find anything of interest in the iPhone in question.
/ FBI paid over $1 million third party hack iPhone 5C used San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook Aspen Security Forum London FBI Director James Comey revealed how much agency paid unlock iPhone a lot Comey worth it no paid vacation bonuses Comey $183,300/year salary FBI paid $1.34 million hack FBI wanted Apple create backdoor software access iPhone Apple refused FBI find another way in Comey's comments alleged statements unnamed law enforcement officials agency hasn't found any data iPhone communicate ISIS supporters December 2 attack killed 14 people useful exhaust investigation helped FBI unlock iPhone reports Israeli firm Cellebrite may have assisted in the hack statement firm couldn't comment ongoing investigation Cellebrite offers Universal Forensics Extraction Device hack iPhones running iOS 7 iOS 9 tougher encryption Apple's lawyers compel FBI reveal how it broke into the phone Comey paid exploit allow FBI penetrate other iPhones 5Cs running iOS 9 /