Friday 31 October 2014

The case for collaborative consumption

Do you own a power drill? How much do you use it? Did you actually want the drill or the hole?

Do you own any DVDs? How many times have you watched them? Will you ever watch them again? Would you like to exchange one of your existing DVDs rather than pay for your next one?

Time for collaborative consumption:

More video:

More from Rachel Botsman: /Collaborative Consumption cultural economic force transforming business consumerism the way we live 10 Ideas That Will Change the World TIME magazine hopeful book social revolution Financial Times revolution think about ownership WIRED What’s Mine is Yours rapidly growing socioeconomic groundswell technology enabling sharing exchange assets money cars skills stuff scale enormous marketplaces eBay Craigslist emerging sectors peer-to-peer travelAirbnb social lending Zopa swap trading car sharing Zipcar disruption disrupting outdated modes business reinventing what how consume travelling global entrepreneurs established companies three systems product service systems collaborative lifestyles redistribution markets maps key principles global brands start-ups public services innovate adapt opportunity opportunities Rogers power of collaboration big ideas /