Sunday 15 January 2012

Grooveshark outsmarts app stores thanks to HTML5

SpareOne – the world’s only cellphone that runs on a single AA battery

eBay forecasts $8B in mobile commerce volume in 2012; PayPal will reach $7B

Next generation iPhone & iPad could offer 20 times more graphics performance

Amazon Kindle owners are “borrowing” nearly 300,000 electronic books a month

Fish mimics mimic octopus

Zero Motorcycle engineer’s bicycle is quicker than Porsche GT3 RS (Flash video)

UBM TechWeb's cloud connect makes 12 cloud predictions for 2012

Mobile virtualization: another nail in the PC coffin

Computer lessons in schools are 'highly unsatisfactory', says Royal Society | Education | The Guardian

Jacket mod: stop the zipper from catching the fabric!

Periodically check your router’s Wi-Fi channel

Tiny frog claimed as smallest vertebrate ever

Beware of QR codes

White House releases statement against SOPA; asks for refined legislation this year

2011 was the second-worst year for U.S. PC sales in history

Top 10 tricks for getting better sleep