Monday 3 March 2014

NASA releases a set of breathtaking "Gravity"-inspired images just ahead of Oscars (slide show)

Credit: NASA/Digital Trends / gravity Oscar Oscars glitzy event Los Angeles LA NASA release released awesome Gravity-like shots real astronauts astronaut high above Earth altitude titled title Gravity NASA’s Real Life Photos from Space high hi res high reolution stunning hi-res images image astronaut astronauts work Earth blue planet Hubble space telescope critically acclaimed Gravity starring George Clooney Sandra Bullock incredible views from space entire movie actually filmed Pinewood Studios Shepperton Studios London England United Kingdom UK special effects outfit Framestore create highly realistic visual imagery movie film Mark Uhran retired NASA director International Space Station first reaction cinematography spectacular realism Hollywood filmmaker capture clarity resolution space station shuttle ISS International Space Station far away from terra firma gallery NASA’s special Flickr page images image /