Saturday 14 February 2015

Bracelet with endless E Ink designs

Credit: Liber8/IndieGoGo

Bracelet with a monochrome design. Described as “16 color greyscale” on IndieGoGo. Hardly remarkable.

Except — unlimited monochrome designs can be downloaded from your smartphone:

Other interesting claims are that it never needs charging. No of sign a battery in the exploded diagram. Check it out in the IndieGoGo project linked below.

So how does it work, with no battery? IndieGoGo claims that it gets enough power from NFC when a new display is loaded:

“In order to change the displayed picture on the tago arc and transmit enough energy for the device to work, the user has to place his/her smartphone to precisely match both NFC chips”

NFC induces enough energy during image transfer that the small E Ink display is able to reconstruct the chosen image.”

E Ink displays only consume a miniscule amount of power, & that, only when the display changes. “The image transfer interval is currently 15 seconds, depending on the smartphone device and the image complexity”

It this can be made to work, it will apparently go like this: 15 seconds of NFC will transfer the image, plus charge the capacitors (see the exploded diagram) with enough power to change the display.

Android only for the moment, as Apple has, so far, only enabled NFC for Apple Pay. / tago arc E Ink Eink bracelet endless designs stylish high-tech hightech high tech jewelry the future needs no recharge high-fashion high fashion E Ink bracelet endless display possibilities cutting edge technologies technology mood outfit tago arc premium bracelet infinite display possibilities change the image display E Ink surface anytime any design pattern text app downloaded smartphone smart phone smart-phone charged plugged in power source accessory 24/7 black and white images high quality silver gold matt black finish timeless elegance bracelet no cord charging no buttons effortless high fashion jewelry smart wearable tag wear build you wearable easy to interact with accessory accessories transfer button experimental prototype picture transfer working prototype enabled emerging technologies NFC E Ink no button cord charge technical details technology section bracelet premium bracelet infinite number design patterns wrist durable premium quality accessory dying batteries app settings wearable tech smartwach smart-accessory buttons ports Bluetooth pairing recharging Valentine’s Day gift high tech gift card girlfriendor boyfriend beta testing image transfer app image energy transfer community tago artists artists share artworks warning tech content existing technologies stylish advanced jewelry mass production /