Thursday 7 March 2013

The case for drinking as much coffee as you like

Coffee has had a lot of bad press over the years & caffeine definitely makes it hard for most people to sleep.  On the other hand, it appears to have no no such effect on some people.

Most recently, however, studies show that coffee has a number of positive health effects.     / diabetes high blood pressure hypertension sugar cream calories /

Elon Musk: "You have enough electricity to power all the cars in the country if you stop refining gasoline"

Elon Musk in Chris Paine's Revenge of the Electric Car
Credit: Chris Paine/ Revenge of the Electric Car/ Business Insider

"You take an average of 5 kilowatt hours to refine [one gallon of] gasoline, something like the Model S can go 20 miles on 5 kilowatt hours."

And obviously, an electric vehicle gets cleaner the further it is driven, while a fossil fuel vehicle just keeps getting dirtier. / EV electric vehicle battery LiIon lithium ion charge recharge internal combustion engine ICE refinery energy petroleum transport pump drill explore exploration refine charging stations parking meter Denmark retrofitting parking meters adding electric chargers advantage circuit meter /

Google Glass is "the end of privacy": Australian politician

Credit: Google/

Not all Australians are this stupid, honest!

Not even our politicians.     / Google Glass Liberal Senator Opposition federal senator South Australia Cory Bernardi claimed Google's smartphone glasses Google Glass end of privacy everything filmed and trackable last year resigned resign resignation Opposition Leader Tony Abbott personal parliamentary secretary comments compare comparing same-sex marriage bestiality Common Sense blog serious concerns surveillance capability experimental Google Glass GG technology ability record video audio click capture the moment all day every day automatically government coalition /