Saturday 22 September 2012

How much data is created every minute on the Internet?

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Beauty & success: To those that have, shall be given

/ handsome beautiful discriminate ugly success job interview CV prejudice virtue ugliness vice sin eye of the beholder symmetrical symmetry lengths of corresponding fingers embryo genes /

You are not here: Apple Maps app loses users

More craziness at The amazing iOS 6 Maps

Surprised? Consider this: how long has Apple been working on its Maps app? Google?

My guess is that Apple will take some time to catch up & won't want to be seen to be backing down in the meantime.

What can iPhone users do until iOS Maps is fixed?

1. Don't update to iOS 6

2. Don't update to iPhone 5

3. If all else fails:

Google Maps

Image credit: George Dunkley
/ navigation turn-by-turn turn by turn /

Four-degree rise demands 90-degree rethink

/ climate change global warming CO2 carbon dioxide melting ice ice-free Arctic summer winter year-round human induced /