Friday 29 March 2013

Techology & social revolution: Steve Wozniak at TEDxBrussels (video) Apple co founder co-founder engineer futurist Jobs pioneer digital age three founders Apple Computer garage 1976 Woz design designed hardware circuit boards operating system Apple I 1 plane crash 1981 full time employment 1987 technology scene founding several tech companies working remote controls GPS technology Lego robots data storage autobiography iWoz From Computer Geek Cult Icon 2007 continues to provide schools in his neighbourhood with funding, technical support and advice. Wozniak is a founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the recipient of the National Medal of Technology, the Heinz Award, and numerous honorary doctorate degrees

3D Printer + Snow = Signal Snowboards (video)

You may have heard this story from early in the history of the telephone: a small town had just had a telephone installed.  The mayor, being a far sighted man, observed that he could foresee a day when every town would have a telephone.

How is this related to 3D printers?  Point is, it's impossible to comprehend the impact of a new technology going in, but 3D printers look like being very important.

This is another application: / print printing printed manufacturing manufacture /