Friday 2 November 2012

Do you want Facebook with your banking?

Do you want Facebook anywhere near you banking?

If, like the author of the item linked below & the commenters, you don't, you could:

1. Don't update the app on your mobile device(s); &

2. Contact the Commonwealth bank & let them know.

/ Commonwealth Bank online banking platform NetBank security options privacy settings communication Kaching insecure /

Intel working on 48-core chip for smartphones & tablets

/ parallel processing operating system OS cores compiler augmented enhanced reality supercomputer /

Energy storage: Packing some power

"Better ways of storing energy are needed if electricity systems are to become cleaner and more efficient."

/ peak demand storage Demand power spiked spike air conditioners rolling blackouts spot market safety margin estimated demand grid scale performance pumped storage hydropower PSH natural topography reservoirs Green Power Island wind turbine solar intermittent Advanced Rail Energy Storage ARES compressed-air energy storage CAES /

CalBattery's new Si-graphene anode triples Li-ion battery capacity

/ silicon graphene anode LiIon lithium ion cost /

Get smart: the mystery behind intelligence

/ developmental stability mutation Alzheimer's disease inexpensive genome sequencing gene IQ genome natural selection /