Saturday 22 February 2014

Methane leaks undercut the climate benefits of natural gas / State of the Union Address President Obama government support natural gas powered trucks reduce reducing foreign oil consumption reconsider new report published Science magazine switch switching diesel methane natural gas truck trucks increased increase greenhouse gas emissions fugitive report growing debate about whether natural gas good for the environment burn burning release releases CO2 half carbon dioxide burning coal methane main component natural gas powerful greenhouse gas leaks leak pipe pipes well wells offsets offset climate benefits burn burning fossil fuels fuel leaking leaked policy policies promote promoting shift to natural gas climate perspective research researching researchers methane leaks burning coal new study analyze analysis analyzing 20 years data conclude conclusion concluded EPA Environmental Protection Agency estimate estimated estimation underestimated amount of methane leakage conclude conclusion concludes burn burning natural gas better burn burning coal increase increased higher rate leaks leak leakage burn burning natural gas substitute substitution diesel truck trucks burning diesel considerable considerably cleaner clean burning coal saving savings burning natural gas increased methane levels leaks new study definitive leaks relatively few pieces of faulty equipment /