Saturday 8 October 2016

Politicians discussing global warming – when it is important to appear to be doing something

“Politicians discussing global warming” – a sculpture by Isaac Cordal
Credit: Isaac Cordal/Twitter

Sniping at those who are actually getting on with it is another way to appear to be doing something – particularly valuable if you need to deflect attention from your own inaction.

What if climate change is just a hoax?” has been used to good effect too.

Some have found, “I don’t believe in global warming”, appropriate in some circumstances.

See more work by Isaac Cordal on his website:

Isaac Cordal on Wikepedia:
/ politicians discussing global warming when it is important to appear to be doing something climate change global warming greenhouse gas CO2 carbon dioxide methane carbon monoxide greenhouse effect fossil fuel fossil carbon heatwave weather heat wave flood rising sea level rise greenhouse green house gas carbon dioxide CO2 anthropomorphic anthropocene global warming climate change climatologist anthropogenic human methane CH4 /