Wednesday 16 October 2013

New drone service delivers textbooks to students (video) / drones pizza deliveries beer airdrops Flirtey Zookal drone designed deliver textbooks students utilizing GPS coordinates person places order Flirtey company develops unmanned drone technology Zookal rents textbooks university Australian college students designed emulate speedy delivery digital textbook creators drone program programme delivery within minutes six hexacopter models rotation test run drone program students track delivery rented textbook utilizing utilize Google Maps interface smartphone tablet drone arrives student student’s location drone hover hovers air height approximate approximately around ten feet mobile app student triggers drone slowly lower textbook their grasp textbook retrieve retrieved hexacopter returns return Zookal representatives representative pick up parcel delivery lower cost of delivery students Zookal representatives estimate reduce same day shipping costs day delivery costs ranging from $8 to $20 depending weight package containing textbooks textbook drone delivery companies sell marketing market advertise advertisement advert space drone eliminate shipping costs consumer completely Flirtey Zookal approval Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority operate unmanned drones drone within residential areas approved companies plan continue testing drones throughout end year launch March Australian public launch Android application app available iOS Windows apps likely later date companies interested expanding program United States 2015 require approval Federal Aviation Administration /