Friday 16 May 2014

West Antarctic ice sheet melt unstoppable (video)

Unstable West Antarctic ice sheet

"Adapting to sea level rises as ice sheets melt ... expensive & hard" / climate scientist scientists uncertainty released papers reached the same terrifying conclusion significant chunk West Antarctic Ice Sheet begun to disintegrate ice sheet’s peculiar topography below sea level begun become unstoppable observational evidence West Antarctic Ice Sheet irreversible retreat lead author Eric Rignot glaciologist NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL news conference point of no return melting team studied cause global sea levels century centuries major glaciers destabilize ice sheet sea level rise scary Stefan Rahmstorf professor of physics of the oceans Potsdam University tipping points climate system holy shit moment for global warming Mother Jones West Antarctic Ice Sheet WAIS Ohio State glaciologist John Mercer peculiarly unstable geologically recent past observations obscure journal history historian science Spencer Weart forecasts global sea-level rise sea level UN U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change forecasts a global sea-level rise /