Monday 17 February 2014

Facebook’s "look back" is marketing in disguise

Credit: Facebook/The Conversation

Summary: Remember the adage, "If its free, you are the product." / look back Facebook movie cry laugh your wacky life video videos new feature available Facebook users develop development developed celebrate social network 10th anniversary program photo photograph photos activity Facebook feed create one minute one-minute movie accompanyment accompanied music emotional involvement emotionally involved example examples clever contemporary technique marketers build loyalty decline declining brands brand marketing scholars promotional tool cocreation co-creation toolbox subtle techniques marketers buy products support their brands new tactic designed design designer normalise normalisation normal normalize normalization idea consum consumer consuming blur the lines between editorial content and advertising information entertainment multiple marketing channelstouch points online media product placement ingame inngame in-game advertising sponsorshipcultural camouflage normalising essentially commercial activity under the radar marketing techniques /