Wednesday 19 October 2016

Do you like to vacuum? Neither does anyone else – best robot vacuums compared – update

Update 17 October 2018

PC Mag takes a look at,“The Best Robot Vacuums of 2018”

Wired review of, “iRobot’s Roomba 690

DailyTekk takes a look at the top contenders – Roomba, Neato & Dyson – is impressed with all of them, (“I sincerely believe you’d be thrilled to own any of them.”) – but manages to declare winners in the areas of:

● cleaning performance
● cleaning time
● ability to get into tight spaces
● & others



Top Ten Reviews

Tom’s Guide,review-2000.html
/ durability reliability Roomba Neato Dyson best robot vacuums vacuum cleaner compared robot vacuums incredible extremely disappointing cheap tested three robot vacuums Roomba 980 Neato BotVac Connected new Dyson 360 Eye best of the best robot vacuum cleaners on the market utter joy watching them clean my house comparing these robot vacuums all amazing different strengths I sincerely believe you’d be thrilled to own any of them each of these vacuums perform equally all situations scenarios clear winner they’re all gems rating which bot performed best several different real-world tests results could easily vary from house to house my observations hope you find them useful right robot vacuum cleaner for you preferring recommending different bot robot different rooms furniture types requirements cleaning performance Roomba Neato Dyson tests various amounts types dust dirt carpeted floor Roomba clearly cleaned the best Neato very close second Dyson came in last video test conditions pile of dirt sitting on my carpet normal cleaning conditions I’m confident that each of these vacuums would do a great job cleaning time Dyson Neato Roomba speed test finish cleaning the test area better faster Neato and Roomba were much more thorough edges nooks furniture legs rank vacuums cover clean more of your floor places simply unreachable by any robot vacuum behind potted plants baskets bookshelves other don’t leave enough room robot robots suited different tasks types of furniture Neato Roomba slimmer profiles fit under the test couch test chairs living room Dyson too tall barely fit under chairs Dyson’s smaller width few places traverse wider bots couldn’t behind plant pots inside legs certain stools performed especially well kitchen bar stools table chairs height of the Dyson side brushes great job getting edges full width brush means it doesn’t need one Dyson’s brush doesn’t quite come in contact with the wall very small gap Neato square front fit into corners better than the other bots apps all app connected start them cleaning while you’re out of the house easily set up cleaning schedules all three apps simple attractive easy to use eco turbo mode clean the house clean a specific area remotely control it remote control Dyson app reporting feature shows you map where robot cleaned visual cleaning history several times Dyson app wouldn’t connect start cleaning pressing physical button on the bot itself Roomba app options toggling carpet boost turned on automatically edge clean Roomba make multiple cleaning passes lose Roomba hit locate button play a sound Looks Dyson Neato Roomba looks sleek modern scuffs and scratches Neato Roomba pretty deep scratches top sides while Dyson got scuffed up on it’s side price lowest priced vacuum What’s best robot vacuum cleaner? Roomba 980 definitely most intelligent capable vacuum most cleaning power Roomba is your best option costs $200 less major life upgrade for you or your family /