Thursday 9 February 2012

Record-breaking freefall advances space suit technology (video)

/ free-fall spacesuit spacedive dropping freefall /

Nanotechnology safety strategies need improvement

iOS app stability: It’s all smoke and mirrors

BTJunkie closes: fifth largest BitTorrent search engine gone

/ BTJunkie BT closes Pirate Bay /

Voice and video calls via Wi-Fi from 30,000 feet?

3D printing may explode at rate incomparable to its 2D predecessor

/ printing rapid /

Paul McCartney: "You can keep free streaming for the birds and bees, now give me money"

/ McCartney Rhapsody Spotify Coldplay Adele /

German government recommends Chrome browser

/ BSI isolates isolate /

Playing Black Sabbath on Tesla coils with an iron guitar, standing in a Faraday suit (video)

/ optically isolated Iron Man /

The wilderness survival skills you should know

/ wilderness woods predator shelter hygiene positivity positive first aid /

San Francisco gearing up for electric bike sharing program

/ program programme hills CarShare e-bike ebike SF /

PureGear PureTek Roll-On Screen Shield Kit for iPhone 4/4S review

Anyone who has ever installed a screen protector film on a phone or PDA knows that there are two big problems: lining it up accurately & avoiding bubbles.  The Gadgeteer may have found a product that solves these problems:

/ roll on roll-on protector /