Monday 1 June 2015

Garbage in, clean water & electricity out

Two things the developing world needs: clean water & electricity.

Not quite so obvious is sanitation. In the developing world, toilets are typically pits, which cause groundwater contamination. Pump out is expensive.

Solution: Kanicki Omni Processor

That's Bill Gates checking the water / humans wasteful lot recycling industry discard repurpose wasteful our own waste sewage problem unpleasant by-product of life disposed of rich source of fuel energy fertilizer drinking water projects turn human waste economic resource mounting waste problem rapid urbanisation Bill Gates access to safe sanitation brilliant engineers solve problem solution waste valuable Janicki Omni Processor sewer sludge nasty clean drinking water electricity ash pathogen free sludge enters the machine conveyor belt large tubes drier boil the sludge Antony Funnell billionaire philanthropist promotional video new waste treatment machine Omni Processor human waste problem future resource Aaron Janicki energy in the sewage additional energy from garbage waste streams power burns firebox boils water steam engine powers the plant Aaron Janicki Janicki Bioenergy developed machine energy steam engine dry the sewage boils vapour recovered filtered cleaned aerated extremely high quality drinking water five minutes process start to finish prototype deployed into the field commercialising the technology rank ordering priority most impact receive financing business model Omni Processor sanitation industry cost centre government profit centre running owning technology innovative owner of the technology work financially running technically benefit financially Omni Processor produces 70,000 litres per day service 35,000 people drinking water every day turning human waste into water electricity converting sewage into fertiliser /