First post was on 16 March 2011, an article titled: “Cold Fusion – Didn't we do this already?” My article took a cautious approach to renewed claims on this topic, & despite many changes in energy production, management & use, in the intervening five years, cold fusion has yet to be demonstrated.
Package Guard is pretty much just what its name says. Its purpose is to prevent theft of parcels left at your front door. As implied in the image above, it depends on the delivery driver placing the parcel on the Package Guard. Anyone else seeing a problem?
When a parcel is placed on the device, it notifies you, &/or others you choose, via email or SMS. If the parcel is removed without disarming the Package Guard, it sounds an alarm & sends another notification.
Although the video below indicates that the Package Guard can protect more than one package if they are stacked on top of each other, some further potential problems suggest themselves:
● once the first package is placed on the Package Guard, the instruction about package placement will be wholly or partly covered
● if large package(s) is/are placed on top of smaller ones, the stack may become unstable & fall, triggering the alarm
● a helpful delivery driver may try to stabilise an unstable stack by re-arranging the packages & trigger the alarm
As of this writing, you can still reserve a Package Guard on Kickstarter with a $50 pledge.
Kickstarter project at: Package Guard protects your delivered delivery driver unattended packages thieves Package Guard Frisbee-sized alarm device sits at your front door clear delivery location UPS FedEx DHL United States Post Office other courier services PLACE PACKAGE HERE delivery safely delivered Package Guard alarm armed remove package disarm disable reply replying text email with OFF remove removes your items armed Package Guard sets off alarm similar car fire alarm device attached semi-permanent hard surfaces use a screw steal thief theft package device device pressure attach surface integrate major surveillance camera brands picture of the thief share with police Facebook warn neighbors growing problem package packages parcels delivered package theft crime criminal crimes commit inexpensive solution Package Guard solution demo demonstration video funds device IOS app backers Kickstarter app Package Guard using existing technologies /