Tuesday 17 May 2016

Real-time translation that fits in your ear

Waverly Labs Pilot in-ear translator will come in three colours
Credit: 3.i.baomoi.xdn.vn/Waverly Labs

Real time translation? Hasn’t that been done?

Yes. It’s probably available on your phone. But Pilot adds two new claims:

● compresses the hardware into something that fits in your ear, so that it is less intrusive on the conversation

● translation is done in the device itself – no data connection required1


Waverly Labs Web site – enter the draw for a free pair

Hat tip to Glenn for this item

1 Waverly Labs: “10. Does it work offline? Yes it is designed to work offline for overseas use.” – http://www.waverlylabs.com/2016/05/faqs-about-early-bird-and-launch-date/
/ Pilot earpiece language barriers live conversation translation Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Babel fish Star Trek universal translator science fiction break down intergalactic language barriers New York startup Waverly Labs Pilot earpiece in your ear provide near real-time translations of multilingual conversations technology science fiction reality Babel fish from Douglas Adams Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy translate any language in real time Manhattan-based company called Waverly Labs commercializing commercialising electronic device Pilot earpiece listens in to a conversation communicates your smartphone close-to-real time translation several potential weak-link systems clear signal built-in in-built microphone converting signal from speech into text both speakers' languages good effective translation online translation engine Google Microsoft translating each language spoken chatty form convert translation text to speech earbud do all these tasks concurrently if the other person keeps talking all these systems are already out there up and running none are perfect glitchy and inaccurate steadily improving Waverly Labs launch with European Latin and Germanic languages handled far better by online translators Euro-to-Asian language translations Google Translate Microsoft's Skype Translator real-time conversation translation mobile desktop applications Pilot key innovation wearable device whispers the translation into the listener's ear works out in practice inevitable delay translation system the conversation the other party received the translation of the last thing you said super quick Waverly Labs launch the Pilot system pre-orders via Indiegogo deliveries launch a mobile app translation experience on your smartphone pair of earpieces foreign friend communicate real-time translation technology suggest that the language barrier may finally be broken /