Saturday 2 May 2015

Do you have enough time?


Linked below is an article that develops the idea that widespread claims of not having enough time are motivated by a range of ulterior motives, including, avoiding more tasks/social engagements, inflating the speakers importance, etc.

Lots of interesting ideas in the comments, too. / too busy proud but exasperated tone desperately trying to assistant I work roughly 100 hours a week getting more and more behind I am simply unable to keep up demands on my time handle more requests push folks away do the work that I do art of busyness convey genuine alarm at the pace of your life helpless resignation completely on top of your game humble brags overwhelmed work love play no one has the time cultural epidemic the overwhelm working adults always behind always late one more thing and one more thing and one more thing to do conference call mounds of unfolded laundry waking up in a 2 a.m. panic to-do list friends crazy all the time busyness deep in the overwhelm doing too many things no sense of distinct phases researchers contaminated time women are more susceptible what needs to get done time pressure free or leisure time time serenity flow time use diaries squeezing out any free time time squeeze brag about it disease holiday letters anthropological record words phrases hectic whirlwind consumed crazy on the run way too fast meta-busy phase busyness working at the speed of light launch ourselves through the day breakneck speed busyness work three jobs mark of social status checklists competing about being busy showing status if you’re busy, you’re important full and worthy life busyness Schulte John Robinson sociologist Father Time collecting time use diaries American Time Use Surveys antidote overwhelm meditate vacation breathe walk in nature to-do list feeling oppressively busy busy created host of personal and social ills unnecessary stress exhaustion bad decision-making ideal worker available at all times grateful to be busy insane schedules Silicon Valley entrepreneur diaries paradox free time virtue empty time busy trap redundant obsolete time use diary free time she lying in bed exercising playing backgammon working mother leisure time write review contaminated time repairman fix the washing machine skipped email work breakfast being mindful living in the moment being present to-do list how busy you are /