Sunday 8 February 2015

Touch — how important is it?

We all need touch in our life.

Children in orphanages in Romania, half the normal height for their age, show the destructive effects of touch deprivation. Touch has a positive effect on immune function, stress hormone levels, blood pressure, digestion & levels of physical & verbal aggression.

In recent times there have been many revelations of breaches of trust by adults involved with children: orphanage staff, teachers, priests. Probably as a result, many organisations with responsibility for children have instituted a no-touch policy. An entire touch-deprived generation may be another victim of the abusers.

Recently, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) hosted a discussion of the issues raised above. Stream, download or transcript at: / welcome touchy touch children taboos around physical contact touch deprived Cuddle Party adults feeling a lack of physical contact tickling extraordinary behaviour physical contact Touch Research Institute University of Miami School of Medicine the benefits of touch clinically study touch deprivation experiment done University of Wisconsin baby monkeys surrogate mothers Harry Harlow study terrycloth simulated mother wire mesh bottle soft to touch no food hard babies preferred student Steve Suomi plexiglass barrier hear each other see each other smell can't touch become extremely aggressive touch deprivation touch deprivation in humans non-clinical setting children in orphanages in Romania post-Ceausescu 1990s lack of touch in human children failure to thrive orphanages caregivers age half their expected height extremely developmentally delayed adequate nutrition teachers childcare workers mandates teachers are not allowed to touch children child abuse rates are just as high medical benefits of touch touch taboos massage any kind of clinical condition it improves with touch more aggressive violent touch deprivation body heat pressure relaxing /