Thursday 25 September 2014

Will It Blend? — Glow Sticks

You probably have a good idea of what happens, but worth a look. / blender light stick light-stick lightstick glowstick /

Will it bend? — iPhone 6 Plus

Credit: MacRumors/PD13/Sydney Morning Herald

Claims have been appearing across the 'Net, that iPhone 6 Plus have been bending in users' pockets. These claims appear to be supported by photographs & the videos below. Some users claim their phones bend after a slight bump.

Is this an example of Apple's "premium construction"?

If yours does bend, don't try to bend it back. Can lead to a cracked screen — see the second video below.

/ bend-gate bend gate iPhone 6 Plus owners aluminium body bending pocket pockets bend LG bendy G FLEX MacRumors a small but growing number iPhone 6 Plus owners smart phone smartphone bent carry carrying device pocket pockets new 6 Plus bump lightly bumping into someone small nominal amount of force applied reports kink front pocket bumped into someone light bump durable sturdier new iPhone 6 Plus 5.5inch diagonal aluminium Cult of Mac metal /