Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Flowing water on the surface of Mars

NASA has announced new evidence of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars. Why is this important? Because life as we understand it on Earth, requires liquid water. Places with liquid water, therefore, are the best place to search for signs of past or present life on Mars.

Note that the water discovered is not pure water. It is in fact, so salty, that it’s freezing point is lowered so that it can continue to flow at temperatures significantly below 0oC.

So, little green men? No, but just possibly, little green slime. / first direct evidence of a long-suspected theory liquid water exists on the surface of Mars planet's warmer seasons new research published Nature Geosciences new spectral data NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter MRO spacecraft studies planet from orbit orbiter analyzed chemistry dark streaks appear and disappear seasonally Martian surface analysis confirms streaks formed briny salty water flowing downhill Mars NASA major Mars mystery Red Planet liquid water surface researchers know known water exists ice form Mars confirmed water liquid state space agency first study suggest liquid water present Mars scientists theorized Mars large ocean Mars Curiosity rover liquid water exists just underneath Martian surface discovery water Mars planetary scientists Alfred McEwen planetary geologist Planetary Image Research Laboratory studies discovered water on Mars direct evidence liquid water than most study confirms NASA has long suspected flowing liquid water dark streaks observed on Mars recurring slope lineae first observed MRO spacecraft lines blackish narrow less than 16 feet across warmer seasons streaks grow thicker longer fade shrink Mars colder dark narrow streaks recurring slope lineae walls Garni crater on Mars NASA JPL University of Arizona scientists water salt streaks temperatures right liquid water study author Lujendra Ojha graduate student Georgia Tech average temperature Mars frigid -80 degrees Fahrenheit summer day near equator temperature 70 degrees Fahrenheit warm enough liquid water filled perchlorates salt flow downhill planet's sloping geological features water perchlorates brine solution much lower freezing point than pure water liquid state temperatures grow colder leftover salt deposits briny flows direct evidence liquid water MRO's imaging spectrometer researchers chemical makeup recurring slope lineae visible-infrared spectrometer determine composition of minerals observing them in different light wavelengths dark streaks composed of hydrated salts molecular water crystal structure water /