Tuesday 30 June 2015

Longest day of the year

Credit: homes-kid.com

Forget the summer solstice, today, 30 June, is the longest day of the year — 1 second longer.

Every other day, as we approach midnight, 23:59:59 is followed by 00:00:00. But not tonight — 23:59:59 will be followed by 23:59:60 — a leap second.

More: http://hhg2tech.blogspot.com.au/2015/01/does-this-year-seem-to-be-dragging.html / slightly longer Paris Observatory add adding leap second clocks midnight June 30 dials 11:59:60 one second clocks pause Earth's rotation atomic clock time Earth's rotation gradually slowing scientists officials International Earth Rotation Service France monitor planet's rotation tweak time time adjustment Software companies problems last leap second added 2012 software websites Mozilla Reddit Foursquare Yelp LinkedIn StumbleUpon reported crashes problems Linux operating system programs Java computing systems Network Time Protocol NTP keep sync atomic clock programmed unexpected extra second Google developed special technique leap smear adds milliseconds system clocks leap second Earth is slowing down a little bit Nick Stamatakos chief of Earth Orientation Parameters US Naval Observatory Atomic clocks keep very accurate time first leap second 1972 rotation of the Earth slowed 26 seconds time measured on atomic clocks disruptive precision systems navigation communication concept time rising setting rise set Sun Greenwich Mean Time Sun crosses the Greenwich Meridian never be restored /

Brando has USB Type-C adapters for all of your bleeding edge needs

Credit: Brando/The Gadgeteer

It's a USB Type-A connector (i.e. the current convention) to USB Type-C (i.e. new, smaller, reversible) adapter for the faster, higher power USB 3.1 standard.

If you don’t own either the new MacBook 12 inch or a Chromebook Pixel, you probably don’t have a need for one of these yet, but it is the new standard & will ultimately replace all of the existing USB standards. Somewhere down the track you will need one or more of these.


This item on the manufacturer’s web site:

Other Type-C adapters & connectors from the same manufacturer:

More about USB 3.1 & Type-C connectors:
http://hhg2tech.blogspot.com.au/2014/08/tiny-reversible-usb-type-c-connector.html / USB Type-C adapter brand new hard to find normal the norm standard new cable type invented Apple latest MacBook new USB standard offer significant advantages current Type-A connector smaller reversible faster data speeds more power USB Type-C change cables adapters USB Type-C hubs card readers adapters convert other cables micro USB Lightning USB Type-C Brando /