Wednesday 30 November 2016

Levitating light bulb

It’s not anti-gravity – unsurprisingly, the bulb is supported by magnets. Power is supplied to run the LEDs by induction.

And it will wirelessly charge your suitably equiped phone too – although not while the light bulb hovers.

Flyte began life as a Kickstarter project

If you want one, they are on the expensive side for a 60 Watt light bulb equivalent – actual consumption is in the 3 Watt range, although most of that is consumed just levitating the bulb – even if the light is off.

Manufacturer’s web site has levitating plant pots too
/ Flyte levitating light globe bulb hovers hover magnetic levitation power powered mid air lightbulb lightglobe free break from gravity experience something surreal appears suspended no batteries powers light induction magnet magnets magnet magnetic magnetism levitation hover /