Monday 9 January 2017

AirBar gives your laptop a touchscreen

AirBar fitted to a MacBook Air
Credit: Stereopoly

Touchscreens are widely available in phones, tablets, smart watches, some laptops & a very small number of desktops.

If you want to add touch to your not-touchscreen computer, AirBar may have the answer.

Airbar is available for 15.6" Windows laptops. In March, a MacBook Air 13.3" version will be available.

Apple has been saying it will never release a touchscreen Mac since at least 2010,1,2,3 so if you are a Macbook user, Airbar is your only touchscreen option for the foreseeable future.

The Next Web: “AirBar adds touchscreen & gesture control to non-touch PCs”

Engadget: “AirBar gives your MacBook Air a touchscreen for $99”

Manufacturer’s web site

1 Cult of Mac: “Why Apple Will Never Ship a Touchscreen MacBook”, (2010)

2 Cnet: “Touch-screen Mac unlikely, says Apple's Federighi”, (2014)

3 Cult of Mac: “Here’s why Apple will never give MacBook a touchscreen”, (2016)
/ AirBar MacBook Air touchscreen USB accessory below display held in place magnets MacBook Pro Touch Bar Apple laptop owners machine full touchscreen display AirBar PC faithful USB accessory 15.6-inch screen tactile function CES 13.3-inch MacBook Air device plug-and-touch plug and touch drivers use the gadget Airbar MacBook Air touchscreen touch screen accessory installation process couple magnets laptop hold AirBar in place plug into USB port device emits light field infrared infra red infra-red display pick touch navigation pinch-to-zoom scrolling gestures remove completely close your laptop addition touch relatively painless install tried AirBar MacBook Air CES performed well navigating around Google Maps Paintbrush OS X display working prototype zoom scrolling functionality physical object handle input stylus paintbrush one size one Apple laptop expand the line more sizes accommodate more computers 13-inch MacBook Air AirBar accessory /

1 comment:

  1. These is a fantastic way to turn your laptop into touchscreen.
