Thursday 10 November 2016

Michael Moore predicted a Trump win in July

Although he takes no pleasure in being right, on or around 21 July 2016, Michael Moore predicted that Donald Trump would win the USA presidential election.

Michael Moore: “5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win”

Michael Moore’s article is undated, but this article, dated 21 July 2016, quotes him as saying the same things:

Alternet: “Michael Moore Gives 5 Scary Reasons Why Trump Will Win”
/ bearer of bad news Donald Trump Republican nominee president awful depressing news Donald J. Trump win in November wretched ignorant dangerous part-time clown full time sociopath our next president President Trump say the words saying them for the next four years President Trump I wanted to be proven wrong shaking your head wildly living in a bubble echo chamber you and your friends American people elect an idiot for president appalled laughing at him because latest crazy comment embarrassingly narcissistic stance everything everything is about him listen to Hillary very first female president someone the world respects whip-smart cares about kids continue Obama legacy the American people clearly want four more years of this living in denial face the truth electorate women people of color young adults under 35 Trump can’t win a majority logic vote for buffoon own best interests more bad news when something scary is actually truly happening 911 plane crash World Trade Centre World Trade Center this isn’t an accident it is happening Hillary Clinton beat Trump with facts and smarts and logic 16 Republican candidates find a way out of the mess we’re in great hope for the country left has won the cultural wars majority of Americans take liberal position every polling question equal pay for women abortion should be legal stronger environmental laws more gun control huge shift has taken place Hillary would win in a landslide leave the house and get in line to vote poor black Hispanic neighborhoods have a longer line to wait in stop them from casting a ballot most elections hard to get even 50% to turn out to vote problem for November most motivated most inspired voters show up vote candidate with the most rabid supporters crazed fans up at 5 AM on Election Day has cast his ballot high level of danger we’re in Midwest Math Rust Belt Brexit four blue states rustbelt upper Great Lakes Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin traditionally Democratic states elected Republican governor since 2010 Michigan primary Trump ahead of Hillarylatest polls Pennsylvania tied Ohio Clintons’ support NAFTA helped destroy the industrial states of the Upper Midwest Trump hammer Clinton support of TPP trade policies Trump Ford Motor factory Michigan primary threatened corporation go ahead planned closure factory move Mexico 35% tariff Mexican-built cars shipped back to the United States sweet sweet music working class Michigan threat Apple force them stop making their iPhones in China build them AmericaTrump walked away with a big victory that Green Bay Pittsburgh middle of England broken depressed struggling smokestacks Middle Class angry embittered working people lied to trickle-down economics Reagan happened UK Brexit happen here Elmer Gantry Boris Johnson says whatever shit he can make up convince the masses this is their chance stick it to all wrecked their American Dream the outsider Donald Trump clean house agree with him like him your personal Molotov cocktail throw right into the center bastards who did this to you send a message Trump is your messenger I am your voice math maths mathematics electoral votes cast Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin carry swath traditional red states Idaho Georgia four rust belt states Florida Colorado Virginia Michigan Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin put him over the top Last Stand of the Angry White Man male-dominated, 240-year run of the USA coming to an end how did this happen on our watch warning signs Nixon gender traitor /

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