Thursday 3 November 2016

Magsafe for USB-C devices

For a large number of years, Apple has protected its laptops from a catastrophic fall while charging, with its MagSafe charging cables: the laptop end of the charging cable is held in place magnetically. Any sudden impact to the cable, such as from a tripping accident, disconnects the magnet, rather than dragging an expensive laptop to the floor.

More recently, Apple has begun to abandon its proprietary MagSafe for industry standard USB-C – first in the MacBook 12" – now in the just-announced MacBook Pro.

Some regret the loss of MagSafe from MacBooks, & some others would like to add it to the emerging USB-C devices, including Google’s Pixel Chrome laptops & some Android phones. Griffin Technology has a solution in its BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Power Cable.

Griffin Technology BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Power Cable
Credit: MacRumors

MagSafe was designed for laptops, which at the time, were significantly heavier than Apple’s current line of laptops. As a result, MagSafe had magnets strong enough to ensure a good electrical contact, while still disconnecting before a trip or other impact dragged the connected laptop to the floor.

Some reviewers have criticised the strength of the magnets in Griffin’s BreakSafe. The problem appears to be that Breaksafe has been designed to protect today’s much lighter laptops, & even phones, by using weaker magnets – which are not strong enough, in some use cases, to reliably provide a good electrical contact.

Some enthusiasm at Wired: “Missing the MagSafe charger in the new MacBook? Here’s your dongle”

Not impressed at Gizmodo: “This MagSafe ripoff cable sucks”
/ new MacBook Pro Touch Bar Touch ID more power space grey variant significant loss exclusively embracing USB-C Apple abandoned MagSafe charging technology magical magnetism protects saves tripping accident expensive laptop off the coffee table MagSafe industrious accessory maker recreated experience USB-C MagSafe Griffin introduced BreakSafe Magnetic USB-C Power Cable appeal to buyers sans-MagSafe MacBook two parts tiny nubbin plugs into your laptop’s USB-C port cable that attaches magnetically manner similar to MagSafe break off cleanly saving you from catastrophic trips and tugs BreakSafe clever usefulness limited MacBook Apple’s revamped entry-level laptop only one USB-C port source of power and connectivity new MacBook Pro four USB-C ports entry model BreakSafe BreakSafe looks like a reasonable MagSafe facsimile MagSafe Apple’s patented tech BreakSafe isn’t reversible use the BreakSafe cord exclusively little donglet juts out slightly from your laptop perpetual wart MacBook’s best feature pale imitation beats no imitation at all true value of MagSafe peace of min /

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