Credit: Studio Roosegaarde/Science Alert
Provides illumination at night without using energy. Able to absorb enough light, even on an overcast day, for up to 12 hours of illumination.
http://bgr.com/2016/06/20/glow-in-the-dark-cement-phosphorescent/ / Starry Night Starry Night sustainable energy renewable energy green energy environmental progress decreasing dependency fossil fuels shift toward electric cars projected several studies dramatic impact gasoline world consumes next few decades wind farms growing more efficient recent breakthroughs double amount power generated solar panels developments technologies utilize utilise phosphorescent materials decrease dependency fossil fuels utilizes glow-in-the-dark materials mixed cement illuminate walkways night researchers Mexico Michoacan University San Nicolás de Hidalgo created new cement mixture walkways roads buildings illuminate themselves manmade energy sources research standard cement mixture phosphorescent materials phosphorescent element absorbs sunlight during the day glows at night illuminating paths pedestrians cyclists automobiles cars researchers special cement absorb sunlight sunny day cloudy day remain lit for up to 12 hours additives scientists prevent formation crystals occur normally production of cement creating material noncrystalline structure similar to glass allows passage of light inside varying proportion additives added during manufacturing cement regulates luminescent intensity color dazzle drivers used on roads special phosphorescent cement manufactured regular cement researchers addition of phosphorescent materials change structure finished product glowing cement used coating material other surfaces standard cement phosphorescent cement ready for commercial applications researchers research studying best way repair cement when it gets damaged /
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