Yecup 365 – glowing logo shows one hot, one cold
Credit: Yecup Technologies/jurnalul.ro
Yecup 365 is double-walled, but it doesn't just slow heat ingress or egress – it actively heats or cools the contents. Energy for heating/cooling is provided by a 10,000 mAh battery, which can also recharge your smartphone.
Charging of the cup is by USB port or wirelessly.
IndieGoGo campaign
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/yecup-365-your-all-season-smart-mug#/ / Yecup 365 travel mug brings drinks preferred temp hot or cold Ember mug designed hot and cold beverages Yecup 365 Armenian company Yecup Technologies your drink just the right temperature for hours heats your coffee tea lukewarm piping hot cools water Gatorade room temperature comfortably chilled beverage service charge smartphone tablet Yecup 365 production new IQ standards smart travel mug Yecup active heating and cooling mugs designed hot beverages company mug can heat beverages 158° F 70° C cool to 50° F 10° C water 212° F 100° C boiling point boiling terminology drink boiling coffee tea versatile temperature range your drinking enjoyment Yecup double-layer stainless steel mug connects smartphone via Bluetooth Yecup app adjust temperature your beverage swipe dial thermoelectric temperature regulation system desired temperature cup alerts you glowing logo smartphone notification temperature enjoy leisure smartphone drinking a beverage Yecup 365 includes built-in heat and cool buttons illuminated indicator drink hot or cold battery is charging heating and cooling features 30 minutes cup of coffee room temperature beverage cooling quicker cooling your spring water cold coffee microwave running mug from a 12 volt car outlet double speed heating and cooling on-the-go heating and cooling travel mug Yecup 365 10,000 mAh battery pack charge smartphones tablets USB port wireless charging capability AC adapter 2.5 hours fit into a vehicle cupholder Yecup 365 straight cylinder 3 inches 7 cm diameter 8.7 inches 22 cm tall weighs 12.3 oz 350 g empty app iOS Android Apple Watch app Indiegogo campaign raise funding into production 12-oz 354-ml 14-oz 414-ml mug wireless charging dock development plan /
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