Credit: Adobe/Consumer Affairs
When Flash first appeared as an animation tool, from a company named Macromedia, most Internet users were on dial up. Verrrry slowwww Internet on desktop computers made doing all the processing at the users’ end most efficient.
Since that time, a few things have changed:
● Flash has had a programming language added, which ultimately made it a vector for malware
● most users’ Internet connections have become many times faster
● mobile, Internet-connected, devices (laptop, phone, pad), place a premium on battery life – so processing at the users’ end is now less attractive
So, the current owner, Adobe, is encouraging Web content providers to move on:
“Looking ahead, we encourage content creators to build with new Web standards & will continue to focus on providing the best tools & services for designers & developers to create amazing content for the Web.”1
1 Adobe: “Flash, HTML5 & Open Web Standards”, https://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2015/11/flash-html5-and-open-web-standards.html?scid=social_20151201_55826586&adbid=671559505906282496&adbpl=tw&adbpr=63786611 / Flash HTML5 open Web standards animation browser games interactive visualisations Web Adobe Flash massive security performance problems proprietary tech Adobe moving away from the platform Adobe encourage developers build with new web standards HTML 5 announcement Adobe described Flash helped push the web forward increasing prevalence newer languages open standards Flash slow battery-draining unsupported on virtually all smartphones sharp decline in its use security issues Mozilla refusing to unblock the platform Adobe releases version actively exploited publicly known vulnerabilities Open standards HTML5 matured provide capabilities Flash ushered Adobe statement encourage content creators build with new web standards Flash disappearing completely Adobe animation tool renamed Flash Professional CC Animate CC Adobe content created app based on HTML5 Flash used several key areas Web gaming premium videos Adobe new standards fully mature Adobe committed ensuring ongoing compatibility security Flash content working with Facebook ensure Flash gaming content Facebook run reliably securely focus providing best tools services designers developers create amazing content for the web /
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