iPhone prototype
Credit: Apple/BGR
After a court battle that lasted nearly five years, Samsung has agreed to pay Apple $548 million in damages for infringing a number of iPhone & iPad patents. Durng those 5 years, we’ve seen such things as:
• Google complaining that, “We didn’t believe rounded corners were patentable.”
• a judge pleading for “global peace”
• Apple claiming $2.5bn from Samsung, while Samsung counter-claimed $420 million
And we’ve also seen many intriguing revelations from the otherwise obsessively-secretive Apple, including:

iPhone prototype with curved glass on both sides was too expensive for production
Credit: Apple/BGR
https://bgr.com/2015/12/07/apple-secrets-iphone-ipad-samsung-lawsuit/ / contentious patent battle raged on nearly five years Samsung last week finally agreed to pay Apple $548 million damages infringing iPhone iPad patents Samsung holding out hope someday recover those millions finally start closing the book most widely publicized patent dispute recent memory Apple Samsung battle it out courtrooms across the globe Apple legal battle with Samsung unprecedented look behind veil of secrecy typically shrouds all aspects Apple’s product development day-to-day operations over the course of discovery innumerable court filings fascinating trial inner workings of Apple first time in history photographs of iPhone prototypes Apple conducts market research Apple legal battles Samsung tech enthusiasts treasure trove previously top-secret information Samsung agreeing pony up for damages interesting nuggets information hard-fought patent dispute crazy iPhone Prototypes most intriguing items Apple and Samsung’s trial iPhone prototypes interesting designs iPhone prototype with 8 sides interesting bizarre designs Apple black and white design earliest known iPhone prototypes circular dots indication of signal strength vertical bars Apple implement the five circular dots shipping iPhone Jony Ive full control look and feel of iOS extremely early iPhone prototype icons copies OS X counterparts another point of interest home button menu label on it bulky iPhone prototype inspired iPhone 4 design how iPhone project started trial Apple executives incredibly detailed information early days of iPhone development more interesting tidbits to emerge early beginnings and software Control of the iPhone team Scott Forstall Steve Jobs Forstall free rein hire anyone any division within the company team Forstall couldn’t even tell them what they’d be working on work hard give up nights work weekends for years you will work harder than you ever have in your entire life initial development iPhone Project Purple dorm dormatory smelled like pizza security was air-tight video cameras card readers show their badges five or six times access key development areas original iPhone team Fight Club poster first rule of Project Purple don’t talk about Project Purple double-tap to zoom constantly enacting pinch-to-zoom software aside industrial design team sleek hardware testifying at trial long time Apple industrial designer Christopher Stringer hardware and industrial design Apple’s industrial design group iPhone development 16 maniacal individuals imagine products that don’t exist and guide them to life Apple’s industrial design group collaborates closely often exchange sketches ideas for current upcoming products feedback suggested designs iterative process is extensive single design element 50 proposed mockups Apple’s industrial design group designers extensive feedback how various designs durability during drop-testing early iPad prototypes featured kickstand Microsoft Surface kickstand Apple earliest iPad prototypes kickstand original iPhone curved during trial first iPhone release device featuring two curved pieces of glass technology cut glass Apple’s specifications too expensive scale prototypes curved device built Apple idea of a car years ago on the stand Apple executive Phil Schiller brainstorming product ideas build success of the iPod searching for what to do after iPod make the iPod some of the ideas tossed around dedicated camera car former Apple executive Tony Fadell Jobs back in 2008 talked about Apple Car might look like Apple keeps its iOS source code locked down Apple Samsung’s 2012 trial Henri Lamiraux key VP of iOS engineering keep portions of Apple’s iOS source code sealed Apple source code provided highest level of protection security physical access iOS source code limited select groups authorized Apple employees access being provided only to portions of code need-to-know basis access limited employees directly involved software development approved management authorized employees accounts specifically granted access Apple hated Samsung The next big thing is already here ad campaign
Samsung well-done ads lampooning stereotypical Apple fan private emails made public at trial Apple’s Phil Schiller hated Apple had no adequate response Samsung’s jabs suggest to Tim Cook company needed hire brand new ad agency most iPhone buyers use cases Apple survey /
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