Wednesday 1 April 2015

Do you want to have a better memory?

Almost everyone seems to complain about their memory. Aids, such as a diary & a notebook can help (mine are in my phone), but is there a way to improve memory itself?

An interview with Nelson Dellis, three time winner of the USA Memory Championship gives some clues, & recommends some books & websites that can help: / memorisation techniques train yourself better memory brain games scepticism memorise memorize memory remember practising techniques help you increase your ability to recall Nelson Dellis USA Memory Championship memorising 117 faces names memorisation techniques brain health not an inherent talent Alzheimer’s disease improve memory practice Alzheimer’s research fairly good memory recall information better recall information already know improve use it or lose it memory often enough gets better wired to remember better with less effort memory exercises daily ability to recall information when you want it will improve techniques books web sites resources most useful learning retention learn retain best books Quantum Memory Power by Dominic O’ Brien Moonwalking with Einstein by Joshua Foer best websites training practice memo method students method of Loci study subjects like physics calculus chemistry list format technique math maths mathematics physics mental image memorise best way to organise structure images memory palace linked list tried a variety of techniques remember anyone’s name acute mental block word associations re-picturing events plain repeating the name a million times take people’s photo store in my phone creepy remember names focus when you meet someone choose a feature pick something distinguishing face picture name turn it into a mental picture attach the two imagine that picture name interacting with the feature be creative repeat advice kids memorise recommend imagination visually exciting silly imagery memorising kids imagine crazy silly things memorise words memorise jokes lines monologues methods this type of memorisation numbers sequences remembered actual words recite commit jokes to memory memory palace store key image images path palace order Josh Foer Ted talk speeches memorisation practice practising improve your memory nootropics brain growth memory retention practice being healthy eat well DHA Omega-3 stay fit Kwik Learning Lumosity exercises memorisation motivated /

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