Saturday 28 February 2015

Vale Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy as most will remember him

More recent
Credit: Memory Alpha

Despite the title of a biography: “I am not Spock,” it is for that role that he will be primarily remembered. Many know that he directed two of the Star Trek movies, fewer, that he directed “3 Men & a Baby”, fewer still are aware of his photography.

“Boston was a great city to grow up in, & it probably still is. We were surrounded by two very important elements: academia & the arts. I was surrounded by theater, music, dance, museums. And I learned how to sail on the Charles River. So I had a great childhood in Boston. It was wonderful.”

“My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, & became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood & became an alien.”

“Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.”

"I quit smoking 30 years ago. Not soon enough. Grandpa says, quit now!!"

On photography

“For a period of time, I carried cameras with me wherever I went, & then I realized that my interest in photography was turning toward the conceptual. So I wasn't carrying around cameras shooting stuff, I was developing concepts about what I wanted to shoot. And then I'd get the camera angle & do the job.”

“But if you're talking about fine art work, then I think you have to ask yourself some pretty deep questions about why it is you want to take pictures & what it is you want to say.”

“My dream concept is that I have a camera & I am trying to photograph what is essentially invisible. And every once in a while I get a glimpse of her & I grab that picture.”

Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015

/ StarTrek movie actor actor Leonard Nimoy worldwide fan base as the pointy-eared half-human half-Vulcan Mr Spock Star Trek television film franchise died at age 83 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease home Los Angeles Susan Bay Nimoy death New York Times private memorial service outpouring of grief social media paid tribute geek idol Star Trek co-star William Shatner Captain James T Kirk co-star George Takei Mr Sulu heartfelt tribute the world lost a great man great friend live long and prosper friend acting career 1950s television series iconic role Mr Spock Star Trek 1966 spaceship USS Enterprise science officer Spock galaxy exploring new worlds character Spock several feature films Vulcan salute salutation live long and prosper SF SciFi Sci Fi science-fiction hand gesture Jewish blessing US president Barack Obama "Long before being nerdy was cool, there was Leonard Nimoy" accomplished director directing 1987 box-office hit Three Men and a Baby starring Tom Selleck diagnosis diagnosed with COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease chronic obstructive lung disease COLD chronic obstructive airway disease COAD progressive lung disease /

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