Sunday 25 January 2015

Librem 15: a Free/Libre software laptop that respects your essential freedoms

Credit: Purism/CrowdSupply

“The Purism Librem 15 is the first high-end laptop in the world that ships without mystery software in the kernel, operating system, or any software applications. Every other consumer-grade laptop you can purchase comes with an operating system that includes suspect, proprietary software, and there’s no way for you to know what that software does.” — Purism

CrowdSupply crowd funding page at:
Funding ends: Jan 31, 2015 at 11:59pm PDT / kernel OS operating system software applications free libre open source your computer truly working in your best interest Purism problem free/libre software kernel OS software design manufacture hardware prioritize users not discriminate persons groups fields of endeavor source manufacture highest quality hardware companies freedom privacy source code released under free licenses freedom privacy promotes privacy source code free license installing privacy supporting software default AMD includes AGESA binary BIOS Intel FSP binary BIOS binary freed source code released under free/libre licenses freedom privacy restricting features promotes privacy providing source code under a free libre license installing privacy supporting software by default Trisquel GNU/Linux based distribution laptops run Linux hardware no binary blobs Linux kernel ships Linux pre-installed devices binary blobs Linux kernel changing computer manufacturing users’ rights push upstream free the BIOS component firmware companies negotiation table negotiate first for price mean time between failure quality warranty availability revisit price again negotiate users’ rights free software quality price leverage manufacturers of component parts hardware specifications complete visibility into the kerne designed chip by chip your rights freedom privacy selected best hardware manufacturing sourcing motherboard screen printing keyboard sourcing case daughter cards memory drives battery camera screen motherboard design changes prototype prototypes testing modifying modifications user feedback replacement upgrade parts for sale upgradable HDD SSD RAM wireless chipset CD/DVD ROM accessible unscrew unscrewing botto case unscrewing battery components easily replaceable power adapter company backed, two year parts and labor warranty Trisquel GNU Linux /

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