Indoors is OK too!
Credit: DIY Drones
Parrot has created a new level of performance for the dollar, with their Bebop Drone. Like their other drones, control is via WiFi using an app on your smartphone or tablet (iOS or Android). Range is 200 metres, or with the purpose-built Skycontroller, 3.2 km. Augmented reality glasses supported too.

Skycontroller & augmented reality glasses
Credit: SlashGear
Parrot promo video – definitely worth a look, even if you have no interest in the drone!
Manufacturer’s website
http://www.parrot.com/au/products/skycontroller/?gclid=CjwKEAiAkpCkBRCtstKQo5ia5nESJACsCikRZbra08ESGIhm8hSCQ5J6e1fdWA9D7XZj2O7h9xBrSBoC4i_w_wcB / Parrot price drop dropped price high definition drones starting price of $US500 DJI entry level Phantom drone quality camera novel tricks controllable control smartphone tablet big upgrade cheaper AR Drone serious drone technology keep price down safe to fly indoors inside flight capabilities range extender controller range 2 kilometer limit stream streaming captured video smartphone built in GPS downward facing cameras keep drone in place high altitude flying f2.2 fish-eye lens 180 degree angle of view 14 megapixel sensor 1080p full-HD resolution; the AR.Drone 2.0 is limited to 720p. Video is recorded to the Bebop's 8GB of internal storage (there's no microSD or SD card slot) in MP4 format. Photos can be captured in JPEGs or Adobe DNG raw format digitally digital pan zoom picture stability stabilize three axes cut costs light weight 410 grams 14.5 ounces compact software based 3 axis image stabilization Bebop’s sleek body dedicated controller extend extends Bebop’s range 200 metres meters 2 kilometers pilot view drone’s camera output VR AR glasses goggles Oculus Rift controller amplifies connected smartphone tablet wifi signal analog joysticks buttons more precise control standard SkyController GNSS chipset with GPS Glonass Galileo built in /
Parrot has created a new level of performance for the dollar, with their Bebop Drone. Like their other drones, control is via WiFi using an app on ... parrotbebop.blogspot.com