Credit: Gizmodo
Even a 6 inch phone screen is small by any other standard – how big is your desktop, laptop or TV screen? Background lighting is often far from ideal – all struggle to cope with direct sunlight.
For these, & other reasons, text can be difficult to read on a phone screen. Below are some things you can do, on iOS & Android, to improve the situation.
http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2014/12/make-it-easier-to-read-text-on-your-phone/ / software running smart phone smart-phone smartphone pocket options improve readability serious problem eyesight squinting big difference usability text looking bigger sharper latest versions iOS Android accessibility options iOS 8.1 opening Settings General Accessibility Larger Text option toggle on off Bold Text feature device restart tap through Larger Text set your preferred text size applied system-wide system wide new setting affect all Apple’s apps Mail, Messages App Store third party third-party apps settings each individual app fully support iOS’ accessibility features Safari increase size text websites activate Reading Mode feature icon URL field accessibility settings applied improve legibility text device Zoom Increase Contrast options accessibility menu Display Zoom feature Display & Brightness section Settings app switch this on home screen icons text larger Android slider on/off switch bigger text Settings app select Accessibility Large text switch it on new setting applied lock screen Gmail third-party app accessibility menu colour inversion high-contrast text options experimental latest Android build high contrast text occasionally add light or dark outlines text home screens Magnification gestures triple-tap on the screen app enlarge text hold pan around the screen display /
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