Credit: TechRadar
After a squabble with Google, Apple released its own Maps app for iOS. As you may remember, & can see in the image above, it was less than perfect. Not only were the 3D renders inaccurate, but the the directional content was lacking, to the point that one state police force in Australia warned that it could get users killed.
Since that time, Apple has made changes, to staff (head of the iPhone software & Maps teams let go), & to the app itself. so how does it fare now?
Apple maps: how Google lost when everyone thought it had won
An update on the Google Vs Apple Maps war
Google Maps vs. Apple Maps: The most comprehensive design comparison you’ll ever see
And, a look back at some early mistakes:
http://theamazingios6maps.tumblr.com/ / Apple Maps hit iPhone iPad users US USA first appeared in September 2012 Google refused give Apple access voice-driven turn-by-turn map navigation lost 23m mobile users huge fall against 81m Google Maps mobile users ComScore market research company produced figures regular polls thousand of users statistics introduction Apple's maps iOS 6 software September 2012 littered with errors location Ireland named Airfield marked as an airport Paddington station had vanished Helsinki railway station park Tim Cook public apology Google Maps users Android base have not cannot upgrade to iOS 6 data MixPanel stand-alone app gained little traction with iPhone users Google has lost access very important data channel North American America market Ben Wood mobile analyst CCS Insight research company based in London had problems war of attrition Europe European other regional data mirror map data is hugely valuable monitoring traffic flows offer information on traffic jams determine determining user location fed back anonymously provide location-related advertising search important source of income search revenue desktop sites flattens default application average user Waze /
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