Sunday 13 July 2014

Human memory-saving devices get $40m research boost

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has granted $40 million for research into brain function & dysfunction, as in epilepsy, memory loss & Alzheimer's.

Initial research will be with epilepsy sufferers to locate the origin of their attacks.

Ultimate aim is to develop brain implants to restore function in brains affected by epilepsy, traumatic brain injury & Alzheimer's. / team creating devices stimulate brain restore memory function grant granted $37.5 million £21.9 million Darpa develop technology people with epilepsy implants locate seizures originate researchers reuse data gathered monitor other brain activity patterns brain stores and retrieves memories memory map patterns record recording brain activity epilepsy sufferers mild memory problems play a computer game remembering pattern differences between best worst scores patents will be used develop algorithm personalised stimulation pattern keep brain performing perform performance optimal level wipe erase restore memories memory rat small device implanted into the brain record analyse electrical activity real time deliver stimulation brain brains brain's entorhinal cortex feeds information hippocampus evidence side effects precautions minimise disruption other areas of the brain extremely low levels of stimulation treat different types memory loss Alzheimer's disease device restore memories lost enhance ability form retrieve new memories team Michael Kahana University of Pennsylvania /

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