Credit: Titan Aerospace/Google/Cnet
What would Google want with a solar-powered drone company? Try low-cost fast Internet.
Picture this: a big glider with all available surfaces covered with solar cells. Fly it high enough, & sunlight is available 365 days a year. Add power storage & the big glider (read "drone") can stay aloft indefintely. Such a drone can provide fuctionality similar to a communication satellite at a fraction of the cost.
That's the theory. Depend on Google to turn it into reality.
http://www.cnet.com/news/google-buys-solar-powered-drone-company-titan-aerospace/ / technology company Internet Net solar-powered drones beam broadband Internet access developing world Web users startup unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs drones site 20-person startup New Mexico former Symantec CEO Vern Raburn Facebook Google's Project Loon moon shot facility Google X Glass self-driving car deliver Internet via air balloon wing-mounted solar panels aircraft batteries aircraft developed countries State of the Internet report imaging technology Google initiatives Maps high-resolution imaging Earth atmospheric sensors cellular functions data voice call connection technology developing atmospheric monitor environmental damage oil spills deforestation /
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