Monday 31 March 2014

Audi A3 e-tron option: carbon-free recharging (video)

One of the more interesting parts of the item linked above is comments, such as:

"Is LichtBlick going to run dedicated electric lines from the hydroelectric power stations to the Audi E-Tron owners' homes?"

Such a comment fails to recognise that an e-tron owner (or anyone else) can contract with an electricity provider to invest in & generate green power by a buying choice in the market. The electric power provider is contracting to feed green electricity to the grid equal to the customer's consumption. It doesn't matter who uses a particular electron.

Something similar is almost certainly available in your area without the assistance of Audi. Your electric power provider can probably do it for you.

For my own part, solar PV on my roof generates almost as much power as my EV consumes. Power I generate is fed into the grid, so I don't consume "my own electrons". However, I am increasing the amount of green energy in the grid, so the effect is the same, irrespective of who consumes "my" electrons. In addition, I purchase green power to cover my other consumption. / plug-in electric car carbon footprint electricity charge recharge generated sustainable renewable sources burning liquid fuels generate carbon emissions Audi A3 e-tron plug-in hybrid Berlin German buyers 2015 Audi A3 e-tron plug-in hybrid drive electrically carbon footprint grid electricity carbon tailpipe emissions generating electricity charge recharge sustainable renewable sources solar wind hydro thermal geo-thermal geo thermal buyers LichtBlick SE independent energy providers plug-in hybrid hydroelectric power stations Austria Germany Switzerland kilowatt-hour kWH geothermal power plant certified electricity rainforest Ecuador carbon footprint parts assembly EV electric vehicles tailpipe emissions carbon-neutral energy charge recharge /

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