Monday 20 January 2014

Penn State Lunar X Prize team plans to crowdfund its way to the moon (video)

Google Lunar X Prize Challenge: land a spacecraft on the Moon & then move it to a new location, at least 500 metres away, by the end of 2015. And the prize? $30 million. / accomplish in college university Penn State Pennsylvania State University 80 students noble goal land landing spacecraft Moon earn earning $30 million Lunar Lion team compete competing Google Lunar X Prize challenge challenges private teams land moon move craft second location at least 500 meters away end of 2015 Lunar Lion director Michael Paul former NASA spacecraft systems engineer university asked him to look into opportunities become more involved space exploration OK’d to pursue the X Prize idea build building robot robots our eyes and ears around the solar system industry student oriented team competing 18 private national teams team unique challenges emerge money tight tighter turnover high team began by investigating investigate most realistic affordable option lander to the Moon one aspect space systems engineering frugal frugality engineering can can’t afford it design for any spacecraft mission do we really need to do this mindset came into play Lunar Lions lander would move 500 meters reached the Moon wheels hop system lander takes off lands land again less expensive doesn’t require rover totally new mode of transit built into the lander staff turnover goes team organize organise organizing organizing ensure continuity underclassmen replace graduating upperclassmen STEM careers can be exciting after Apollo director of development Steve Blake school build rocket ships rocket science crowdfunding campaign engine, test lander more infrastructure, complexity rocket science /

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