Friday 8 November 2013

For the price of a mile of highway, you too can have a bike-friendly city (video)

Roadways suitable for motor traffic are expensive to construct & expensive to maintain. Cycle paths on the other hand are much cheaper.

Of course, there are many other benefits of bikes for transport, including improved health of cyclists, improved air quality & reduced traffic congestion. / cars Fred Armisen Spyke, bicycle advocate Portlandia car noisy ugly smell terrible cause disease epidemic proportion. move too fast extraordinary amount space leech economy run people over kids motor accident fatality death road toll bicycle activist Portland Oregon bicycle friendly most bicycle-friendly city USA US hate cars people who drive cars drivers most to lose cost expense money major source cause household debt investment investments like houses depreciation depreciate cost costing more own them use car ownership federal Consumer Expenditure Survey 2012 average family spend spends transportation spend on food reasonable affordable cost of roads construct construction build building maintenance maintaining them petrol gas gasoline gasolene taxes tax myth President Eisenhower signed Interstate Highway Act generation generations escalating civic and private debt sales income property special levies pay for roads bargain taxpayers users alike paint signage concrete rider riders disease chronic diseases heart disease stroke cancer diabetes autism exercise zoning fast food consumption stress social isolation depression healthcare savings invest millions network bicycle only bicycle-only highways connect city suburbs commute save savings healthcare claims medical bills save our lives /

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