Saturday 13 July 2013

Nerve growth stimulates prostate cancer

Credit: GOPAL MURTI/SPL/ Nature / dense arrangement nerves linked aggressive disease prostate cancer cells colored coloured scanning electron micrograph inhibiting growth nerve fibres fibers shown slow down spread type cancer mice growth new nerve nerves around prostate cancers spurs tumour tumours tumor tumors grow invade other tissues studies mice shown results published today Sciencre searchers towards novel approaches approach treating cancer mechanism occurs humans cancers affecting other organs analysis samples 43 patients prostate cancer nerve density high patients fared poorly clinic paper John Isaacs cancer researcher Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Baltimore Maryland study focus on trying unanswered questions previous work cancer cells migrate along nerves process associated poor responses therapy Claire Magnon Paul Frenette Albert Einstein College of Medicine New York colleagues studied tumour development mice injected human prostate cancer cells resulting tumours infiltrated certain types nerve fibres fibers fiber fibre chemical chemically destroying nerves prevented development tumours prostate team found class nerves associated tumour spread blocking certain receptors nerves prevented prevent cancer from invading nearby lymph nodes tumour growth blockade results suggest blocking nerve receptors including two types called β2- β3-adrenergic receptors treat cancer Magnon idea backed epidemiological studies people being treated cancer tend fare better taking beta-blocker drugs treat heart conditions anxiety disorders block β-adrenergic receptors new nerves make cancers more aggressive David Rowley cancer researcher Baylor College Medicine Houston Texas new nerve growth crucial step repairing wounds body perceives cancer associated tissue damage inflammation wound never heals nerves play role wound repair Rowley stands to reason nerves play role tumour’s environment designing drugs target process Isaacs β-receptors involved important processes solid tumours /

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