Wednesday 17 July 2013

Language matters: Framing the copyright monopoly so we can keep our liberties / liberty George Orwell most overlooked points most important language defines our reality what problems we perceive communicate solve theft of intellectual property sharing culture knowledge war of words 1984 George Orwell book increasingly define our society mixed dash of Aldous Huxley’s Huxley Brave New World central theme 1984 concept of Newspeak language Newspeak book pervasive throughout storyline concept Newspeak simple taking away expressions free thinking challenging authority language people in power would remove people other people’s ability conceptualize thoughts thus ensure obedience passage in the book translators Oldspeak into Newspeak trouble translating Declaration of Independence into Newspeak no way express says Newspeak Orwell comments appendix language has words rebellion freedom of thought dissent society will eventually throw off any tyrant matters because words define the society definition decides what problems need solved how nerds geeks tend not bother subtleties nuances communication except technically precise express all words have values some negative positive double meaning meanings evoke feelings happiness sadness discomfort aware discuss net liberty culture t paramount discussion side wins definitions wins long term long-term war coincidence deceptive term Intellectual Property relentlessly used copyright industry trying make it define the copyright monopoly make people think of their monopoly in terms of property positive word follow-up-defines follow up defines define violation monopolies stealing violation of property rights is stealing fall for using this term spread framing world correct others use of language use our own language consistently persistently tenaciously relentlessly our language defines world net generation give influence to the copyright industry repeat term adversary world view help them take away your rights terms that define our worldview help the net generation retain civil liberties people will copy your terms subconsciously happy when rude sample words conscious copyright industry use this consistently instead of record industry and/or and/or film industry highlights middlemen incumbents monopolistic parasites aren’t necessary cultural ecosystem having industrialized lobbying monopoly monopolies cashing in sharing knowledge culture this instead file-sharing file sharing term too technical doesn’t appropriately convey the usefulness of the act sharing knowledge and culture fundamentally positive technically correct people who share knowledge and culture never punished rewarded copyright monopoly copyright alone reinforce right right to freedom of speech reality monopoly use language patent monopoly Industrial Protectionism IP term some property self-defeating Industrial Protectionism value word protectionism sharply negative Manufacturing copies try avoiding downloading copies something implies taking leads down wrong line of thought manufacturing copies using their own raw materials copyright monopoly trying restrain legitimate activity when people are manufacturing their own copies of knowledge and culture highlight the process sharing knowledge and culture Digital Restriction Mechanisms DRM comment necessary Digital Restriction Mechanisms Management language defines and shapes problem problems discussion discussed discuss /

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