Sunday 21 July 2013

Forget battery swapping: Tesla aims to charge electric cars in five minutes / electric vehicle EV charge recharge LiIon lithium ion Tesla Model S typical home public charging station more practical Tesla Motors reduce reduced reducing charging times network supercharging stations designed exclusively future electric vehicles charge battery cell halfway 30 minutes half charge 20 minutes Tesla’s chief technology officer JB Straubel company eventually cut time fully charge battery just five minutes not much longer than it takes to fill a gas tank petrol gas gasolene battery swap technology Tesla recently unveiled take takes out depleted battery replace replaces fully charged one MIT Technology Review 120 kilowatts electricity deliver well under 10 kilowatts competition supercharging technology Japanese Chademo standard 50 kilowatt 50-kilowatt charging SAE International brand-new fast-charging standard adopted by major automakers General Motors GM 100 kilowatts kilowatt battery packs store three times the energy competition competitor electric-car batteries car Arindam Maitra, a senior project manager at the Electric Power Research Institute cooling system for the battery wall socket on-board chargers AC power from the wall convert DC regulate power delivered deliver battery AC-to-DC conversion challenge heat cool overheat damage damaging communicate electronics monitor state volt voltage temperature adjust charging rates charging system interface electrical grid supercharging station wind turbine solar panels batteries power grid /

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