Credit: Space Monkey/ Kickstarter
Update: This Kickstarter project has been funded.
Backups: we all know we should, but most of us don't. In brief, Space Monkey promises 1 gigabyte of backups, fast & secure, with world wide access for $US10 per month.
How does it work?
Each subscriber receives a device (shown above), which is connected to your computer & your Internet connection. It contains a 2 terabyte drive. Only one terabyte is available to the subscriber. And the other terabyte? It forms part of the Space Monkey cloud. I.e. it's available for storage of other subscribers' files. Your files will be backed up to 40 other Space Monkey subscribers' devices. Only 20 of those devices are required for you to access your files, providing redundancy. Is this sounding like Torrent meets backups?
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/clintgc/space-monkey-taking-the-cloud-out-of-the-datacente / cloud secure security backup back up datacentre data centre datacenter center space complete storage subscribe subscription service little device launched launch funded fund funds funding remind support industry access share others second copy safe-keeping safekeeping safe keeping data expensive budget services can’t afford unlimited bandwidth resources heavy users cap transfer speeds upload download storage network cheaper more reliable faster environment /
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