Credit: Engadget
Many people’s requirement of a computer are modest:
● web surfing
● social media
This seems to be the target market for Chromebooks. Modest price matches the modest capabilities.
Then came the Google Pixel. Far from modest hardware & price, with ordinary battery life.
In its second incarnation, somewhat better price ($US999 & $US1,299), premium hardware, & battery life right up there with the best.
If a Chromebook suits most of your needs, but there are one or two applications which aren’t available on Chrome OS, the Pixel has enough processing power to run Linux & Chrome OS side-by-side:
Chromebooks in general have less storage than other laptops. At 32 or 64GB, the Pixel has more than most, but if your feel the need for more, have a look at: / Google's new Chromebook Pixel high-end model 5th-generation, 2.4GHz Intel Core i7-5500U processor 16GBs memory 64GB Solid State DriveSSD for $1,299 top-of-the-line Chromebook Pixel sold out worth it Google's Chromebook Pixel 2015 best Chromebook ever price-tag to match Chromebook Chrome Web browser laptop 2015 Chromebook Pixel's 2.4GHz Intel Core i7 fast processor laptop laptops Intel Core i7-5500U processor high-end systems price-tags new Pixel USB-C port power peripherals new Pixel USB-C USB 3.0 ports USB-C port DisplayPort video HDMI displays USB-C adapter USB-C adapters MacBook larger SDD 256GB SSD upgrade 512GB SSD 64GB SSD SD card slot storage 1 TeraByte of Google Drive service for three years how fast high-powered Pixel Principled Technologies' CrXPRT 2015 benchmark evaluates Chromebooks performance battery life playing video games watching movies editing pictures office work fastest of all Chromebooks battery life of 11.58 hours better battery life benchmarked Chromebook laptop 12.85 innch 2560 x 1700 IPS display 239-pixel-per-inch density retina display 3:2 aspect ratio display web pages Intel HD Graphics 5500 display sharper and faster 4K video output DisplayPort HDMI networking new Pixel Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 802.11ac Wi-Fi 2x2 spatial streams WiFi dual antennas no 4G option tethering Wi-Fi connections from their smartphones built-in 4G keyboard touchpad good keyboard best laptop keyboard glass touchpad ThinkPad's pointing stick touchpad Pixel's touchpad exceptional weight weighs 3.3 lbs lighter computers laptops desktop operating system cloud services content mobile-centric game changer cloud-based services thin fat clients OS operating systems cloud-based office software Google Docs QuickBooks Online SugarCRM Microsoft Office QuickBooks Microsoft Dynamics CRM Google Microsoft software-as-a-service SaaS Office 365 stand-alone desktop laptop Chromebook is already replacing it for many users photo-editing programs GIMP Photoshop desktop operating system OS Crouton desktop Linux Linux-based Chrome OS GIMP edit images Ubuntu 14.04 window applications apps work habits work on the Web Mac OS X Windows full Linux desktop Chromebook is all you need Pixel work on the cloud i5 better battery life laptop /
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