Credit: Apple/9To5Mac
New technologies require a new way of thinking. Human beings have to feel their way towards that new way of thinking. At the moment, we are feeling our way towards the ways of thinking required for wearable technology
After using the Apple Watch for a week, Mike Elgan writes in Computerworld that he feels that the Apple Watch may point the way to some significant new ways of interacting with wearable technology.
More about wearable technology:
Smartwatches – wide choice available
Activity trackers can help to improve your fitness
Google smart contact lenses / wearing smartwatch smart watch wearable Apple Watch transformed my thinking direction mobile wear wearable computing we're all becoming cyborgs cyborg person normal human abilities enhanced magnified technology technology as a tool haptic haptics tech move Apple Watch our cyborg future cyborg sounds unappealing boost health happiness prosperity Android fans Apple-haters techno-skeptics column Apple is cultural journey all on together my week of wearing the Apple Watch experienced three epiphanies wearable revolution spontaneous knowledge most important feature Apple Watch Taptics engine Taptics Apple's branding haptics technology Apple Watch newest laptops haptics phone vibrate Xbox game experienced haptic buzzing jobs haptics mobile phones silent substitutes audible ring ding inform someone is calling text message has arrived convey incoming information communication vibrating game controllers enhance the experience most advanced haptics mainstream mobile device haptics watch spontaneous knowledge haptics actually convey information Apple Watch users fun turn-by-turn directions feature press and hold Digital Crown dial button on the side of the watch tell Siri navigate home displays your current location map press Start button the magic begins watch displays contextual directions screen turn your wrist high resolution haptic event combined with sound right turn coming up communicated haptics audio signal rapidly repeats a note starts low goes higher left turn starts higher note followed by a lower note different combination movement sound indicates arrived at your destination haptics say Time to take action simultaneous sound tells you what to do look at the screen use Apple Watch's turn-by-turn directions drive forget about it get used to the process stop thinking about haptics and sound information about where to drive bypasses your conscious mind experience spontaneous knowledge where to drive Apple Watch communicate with haptics feature called Tap dial up favorite contacts press the tap icon screen felt by the other person communicating basic information this way surprisingly interesting experience one pound or two replies with two taps gaining knowledge through taps feels like telepathy perceive incoming information information appears to emerge into your conscious mind directly spontaneous knowledge some notifications Google Glass wearables spontaneous feels comfortable efficient somewhat thrilling personal-area-network personal area network epiphany Apple Watch and the iPhone together new platform new medium elegant discreet smart glasses smart shoes clothes connected medical stickers glucose-monitoring contact lenses smart jewelry cyborg /